38 winter math coloring pages

Hey everyone! I'm looking for someone to help me create a pretty complex coloring book. I'm aiming for 20-30 pages, including a number of different human characters and scenes. I'd prefer it be more realistic than not, but if you have a style you think would be perfect, then by all means reach out. I'm throwing out a budget of $250, but I know nothing about art and money so I'm willing to talk and give you a fair price. For an idea of what I'm looking for, in a perfect world I'd have [this t... After reading the Washington Post article about electric cars being unsuitable when stranded on a freeway in the winter, I decided to do an experiment to find out the truth. **The Scenario** * My Model X was fully preconditioned prior to the start of the test * The battery was charged to 80% prior to the start of the test * Temperatures here in Michigan today were very uniform. 20 degrees all day. * After preconditioning, the Model X was parked in my driveway for the test period * Seat heater...

Winter math coloring pages

Winter math coloring pages

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